
雷凯健1,2, 安国勇1,*
河南大学1生命科学学院, 棉花生物学国家重点实验室, 2药学院, 河南开封475004

通信作者:安国勇;E-mail: angy@henu.edu.cn;Tel: 0371-23888901

摘 要:

MicroRNA (miRNA)是一类新型的调控靶基因表达的小分子RNA, 参与调节植物的生长发育和抗逆反应等多种生理过程。近年来, 随着miR399调节植物磷平衡分子机制的发现, 人们开始广泛关注miRNA在低磷信号转导和磷平衡中的作用。本文基于近几年的研究进展, 综述miR399、miR827等磷响应miRNA在低磷信号转导以及调节磷平衡过程中的作用和分子生理机制。

关键词:miRNA; 低磷胁迫; 磷平衡

收稿:2014-02-11   修定:2014-07-07


Advances in miRNAs Mediated Phosphate Signaling in Plants

LEI Kai-Jian1,2, AN Guo-Yong1,*
1College of Life Sciences, State Key Laboratory of Cotton Biology, 2Pharmacy College, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan 475004, China

Corresponding author: AN Guo-Yong; E-mail: angy@henu.edu.cn; Tel: 0371-23888901


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are short RNA chains which are emerging as important regulators of target gene expression and playing fundamental roles in plant growth and development, as well as in adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses. In recent years, with the discovery of the involvement of miR399 in phosphate homeostasis, the important role of miRNAs in phosphate signaling and phosphate homeostasis has aroused wide attention. Based on the research progress in recent years, this report reviews the mechanism of miRNAs mediating low phosphate signal transduction and regulating phosphate homeostasis.

Key words: miRNA; low Pi stress; Pi homeostasis

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